Blondes can often be typecast as difficult, high maintenance and hard work — but only if you let them. So if you are Blonde, below is the most important advice you’ll need to keep your Blonde looking fresh and free of the nasty brassies.
What Affects Your Blonde
The elements — sun and water (shower, salt, chlorine) — will quickly turn your Blonde brassy.
Hair Products, hot tools, excessive blowdrying and Hair washing can fade and tarnish your Blonde.
Rushed Colour applications or overlapping Colour applications will cause Colour Build Up and Colour Banding, greatly affecting the continuity of your Blonde.
Chopping and changing Developers or Blonde Shades, leaving you with Colour Banding and even hot roots.
How To Maintain Your Blonde
There is nothing more important to a Blondes health than Toning. All Blondes can get the nasty brassies and all Blondes — Cool, Natural or Warm —can be Toned. How often you Tone depends on your Blondes needs, however, we like the convenience of Toning every time we touch up our Regrowth. If you prefer a time frame, every 4-6 weeks should do the job.
The easiest way to Tone your nasty brassies is by using a Toner Kit. Though, if you want more control over your result, you can use a Cool Hair Colour Shade mixed with a No Lift Developer.
Save your Hair from exposure by shielding it with a hat and safeguarding it from the elements by combing conditioner through your Hair before swimming or setting up poolside. Post swimming, give your Hair a good rinse with fresh water to avoid your Blonde turning Green.
At home, cutting down on the amount of washing and heat styling will help with the longevity of your Hair Colour.
As we mentioned above, chopping and changing your Developer or Blonde Shade will quickly lead to bands of Hair Colour showing up through your Hair. Avoid the dreaded Colour Banding by being consistent with your Hair Colour and Developer choice.
When doing your Colour maintenance, it is essential that you apply your Colour mixture to your Regrowth line to keep your Hair Colour smooth and even. Excessive applications over your ends will darken your Colour and cause heavy Colour Build Up, leaving you with an undesirable Blonde.
Take a look at Toning In Real Life.
Current Hair Colour: Coloured with Butter Blonde.
Natural Hair Colour: 7 Medium Blonde
Hair notes: Laurens Hair grows very quickly. Her Hair Naturally throws a lot of Warmth. She does not like or suit Ash Hair Colours. Lauren has thick Hair.
Her Colour Story:

Every 4 weeks I have a clear Regrowth line that also seems to time perfectly with my brassiness being turned up from zero to 100 in a matter of days. I’m a convenience Colourer, I like to touch up my regrowth and Tone during the same process.
My Colour mixture is 1/2 a tube of 8.2 Light Beige Blonde and 1/2 a tube of 9 Very Light Blonde (The Butter Blonde) mixed with a 20 Volume Developer. Using a Tint Brush, I apply my Colour mixture to my Regrowth.
After 20 minutes has passed, I mix my Toner mixture — a 10.2 Very Light Beige Blonde with No Lift Developer — chosen because I love the creaminess of Beige. I apply this mix through the ends of my Hair and leave on until my entire Colour processing time (45 minutes) is up.