As you’re reading this, we’ve slowed down My Hairdresser HQ for some much-needed r&r. Hopefully, we’re sitting on a beach somewhere and hopefully, you are too, or whatever your beach equivalent is, we hope you're doing in spades.
The talk around HQ is finally getting to that book we’ve been meaning to read, now that we have some downtime. With that spirit, we’ve collected the most popular stories of the year for a trip down memory lane for those of you, who are like us, and like to do all their reading they’ve missed out on this time of year.

The Best — Copy her Colour
There is always a lot out there to excite the senses, but it was the Brunette’s that really got our focus this year. Kacey Musgrave’s bold Brunette is a lesson in simplicity and why a Natural Shade should always be on your radar. While we can’t forget how entertained we were watching the Duchess of Cambridge's glow up throughout the year, with its big finale at Princess Charlotte's first day of school.

The Best — Inspiration
Seeking inspiration? Glass Hair had a major moment this year, because, what is there not to like about a Colour that makes your Hair look so glossy you’d think each strand has a million mini mirrors reflecting light from it. Or if you are thinking of dipping your toe into another Colour — Yes, Dark Blonde should definitely be your next Colour — was inspiring enough it converted even us at HQ and finding that perfect Red Shade is so easy now with this guide. But if you really want to know what’s got our tongues wagging right now, this Blonde is what we’re diving into headfirst.

The Best — Informative
You know by now we love to keep home Colouring simple and affordable and this Hair Colour style was what you were asking for us to recreate most. That also extends to the big Colour transformations, oh you know the ones where your before and after Colours are so different you don’t recognise yourself in the mirror. We broke down all the nitty-gritty details for those Colouring situations, to ensure you end up with an even Hair Colour or achieve that Platinum Blonde you want without destroying your Hair with Bleach.
And if that is all overwhelming, these are all the things you should ask and tell your Colour Consultant when you need help.

The Best — OMG they get it
Maybe you’re just struggling to commit or you’re curious about home Hair Colouring, these 4 home Hair Colourer's share their Colouring experiences and what they want other home Colourer’s to know. While you’re at it, we’ve also debunked these Home Hair Colouring myths and all the important questions you may like to know.
Oh and by the way, this year we finally answered the age-old question — when you don’t like your Hair, how do you make it better.