Once upon a time they were simply sparkling sporadically through your Hair, now they're showing up more regular and doubling in amounts (screams) — such is our journey with greys.
As greys appear to make a fast track to total Hair domination, you may have noticed a few changes:
Translucent Hair Colour
Poor coverage
Your Hair Colour is too Light or Golden
Feel like your Hair Colour won't grab anymore
As your percentage of Greys begins to increase your overall Hair changes. Why? Grey Hair has lost all its Natural pigment, leaving little for your Hair Colour pigment to grab onto or build off. Your nearly Lighter base will cause your Hair to look Lighter and/or Golden, even brassie.
Here is how to tackle this problem.
Step 1: Change your Colour mix.
You don't need to say goodbye to your favourite hue, just make some adjustments to your Hair Colour to one that has a buildable pigment.
Option 1: Start Using a Natural Shade.
Ash or Beige shades will start looking transparent, whereas a Natural shade has the fuller pigment needed to cover greys. If you still love a Cool hue, try a 50/50 Colour mixture (1/2 Natural Hair Colour, 1/2 Cool Hair Colour) for better coverage with your favourite reflect.
Option 2: Mix in Gold.
Grey Hair is typically flat and lifeless, by embracing a Golden pigment you'll not just get better coverage you'll add more oomph to your shade. You'll get the best results with a pure Gold shade, but if that is too much, try a 50/50 Colour mixture (1/2 Natural Hair Colour, 1/2 Gold Hair Colour).
Option 3: Adjust your Lightness.
Your once beautiful Brunette may now be closer to a Warm Dark Blonde because of your newly Lighter base. To get your depth back, choose a Hair Colour 1-2 Shades Darker than your previous Brunette.
When warp speed growing Greys have you reconsidering your Dark Colour, Colour Remove the Dark pigment out of your ends before switching to a newer, Lighter Shade that minimises the contrast line of your new Grey growth.

Step 2: Change your Developer
If you haven't already, switch to 20 Volume Developer for the best Grey coverage once you have over 70% Greys.
When you are Naturally a Brunette with 30-50% Grey and Colouring with a Light shade that is dependant on 30 or 40 Volume Developer to lighten, switching to a 20 Volume Developer can be difficult. Create two Colour mixtures: one to Colour Greys (using 20 Volume Developer) and another with your existing mixture over the rest of your Hair.
Tip: Apply your Grey mixture (Colour with 20 Volume Developer) around your face and through your part. Then apply your Lighter mixture through the back of your Hair over your darker, Natural regrowth. The best part? It will also add dimension to your Colour.
Step 3: Focus on your Application and Developing Time
Get your best coverage by beginning your application at your problem areas, giving them the most time to absorb the Colour and leave your Colour mixture on your Hair for a full 45 minutes.

Step 4: Maintain your Tone
Keep sparkling joy, regularly Toning Warmth to maintain your Hair Colours glossy shine.