Coppers Are Having A Moment, Here's How To Find Your Shade

These Medium Copper Shades are giving us major love-heart eyes. Here's how to find your hue.

For us Sydney siders, this Winter may be the coldest in memory so it's only human nature that we've been attracting to warmth like a moth to a flame. And we're not alone. A quick scroll through the 'gram and you'll quickly see we're not the only ones playing wanderlust with Warmth. We're seeing Copper hues pop up everywhere, on mountain tops, catwalks, Italian coastlines, waist-deep in snow. You know we're infatuated with them all and double-tapping til our fingers hurt.

Next comes the age-old dilemma — which Copper hue is the one for you? Here's a quick summary to find yours.

Photo: Instagram @pipedwards

Todays Coppers are All In. They're richer and bolder, exuding strength and energy with every Hair flip. They celebrate life, elevating your Hair Colour with a warm embrace of Copper, Red and Medium Blonde Tones. Just like any great Colour, its Coppers variety giving us love-heart eyes and we can't decide if it's the depth or Gold detailing we love more.

Photo: Instagram @eleanortomlinson

Let's get down to business, Coppers are always extra fun on a Lighter Blonde base for the full-Colour impact. If this sounds like you, you'll have fun with Colours like Strawberry Blonde and 8.44 Intense Copper Blonde. If you have a warm skin tone Copper Cocktails like the Amber Blonde, Chestnut Brunette and Strawberry Blonde have a touch of Golden pigment that will be BEAUTIFUL and brighter and so fresh and glowy with your complexion. For neutral skin tones the deeper shades like 6.4 Dark Copper Blonde and 7.46 Rich Copper Red will look magnificent on you.

My Hairdresser
My Hairdresser
My Hairdresser
Rich Copper Red
My Hairdresser
Dark Copper Blonde
My Hairdresser

To fully embrace *this* Copper trend, choose a Copper Hair Colour that is closer to your Natural Colour — less drama and a more liveable, fun Colour is the aim.

Our opinion? Choose the Hair Colour that makes you feel a million bucks.

Photo: Instagram @madelame

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