What are highlights and why do we need them? Highlights are shades of Hair that are lighter than the rest of your Hair, you will most likely know them as streaks. They are wonderful and can do so much for your Hair. You can also use them to add dimension and depth, or to shape your face to emphasise your best features.
We use highlights in a more Natural, casual setting, compared to what you can get from a Hairdresser. We don’t really like streaking caps and don’t weave the Hair, instead we like to paint our highlights. Painting highlights are far easier to achieve at home, but we choose them because unlike typical streaking, they can nicely grow out with your Hair. You won’t find any tiger striped Hair do’s over here.
We like highlights in a handful of ways. We add them to Dark Blonde Hair for a bronzed glow, use them to add warmth and break up darker Colours for beautiful reflects of Colour and they also come in handy when Colouring stubborn Grey Hair.
What are the keys to Highlights?
Keep them small, no larger than 1/4cm. They are meant to be light and Natural.
The aim is to be subtle.
Don’t group them all together. Allow adequate breathing room between them.
Start little by little. You can always add more in later.
Although you don't need to be methodical, keep things symmetrical. You don't want the cruel de ville look now do you?
When applying your Colour simply get your tint brush and turn it to the smaller side, for a more detailed application.
At the top of the Highlight, closest to the Hairline, apply your Colour in an a lighter, feathered manner, to help the grow out process stop being so harsh and flat.
We prefer to start highlights a few centimetres from the hairline.
If you are doing your Hair alone, and are struggling with the application at the back of your head, pull small pieces of Hair out and dip your index and thumb fingers in Colour. Starting at the top of the Hair, press your fingers together and pull the Colour through to the ends.

It’s called simple for a reason. Use a few light Highlights to nicely shape, even lengthen, the face. If you're unsure about Highlights, or only a beginner, this is a great starting point.

This technique takes the highlights from the front of the face and continues them lightly through the rest of the Hair. Its about being subtle and showcasing your Colour, breaking it up nicely with little hits of light. If you want a Hairstyle that is more gradual, this is perfect.

Flushed is perfect when wanting Colour throughout your entire Hair. This is a favourite among Brunettes, as a method to nicely lighten the entire head. If you are a Brunette, we beg of you, don’t choose Bleach highlights. A great Colour is about blending and choosing Colours that come together to showcase your features, not stripes of Colour through your Hair. Choose a Colour with a little warmth, that is only a few shades lighter than your Natural. You will be surprised the incredible effect it has through the Hair, particularly with movement, when your Colour is broken up with beautiful reflects.

Sun kissed
Attention all lazy Colourer’s: this one is for you! The Sun Kissed is a favourite because it is so low maintenance and grows out nicely, wonderful if your not so great at maintenance and root touchups. Start your highlights a little further down from your part, staggering them around the face and then throughout the Hair.