So. You’ve noticed that you have come of age. You’ve finally made that milestone — when you comb through your Hair and see a few sparkles of Grey glittering through. And you flash back to being a child, watching your mum reach this milestone and wondering why she went through a strong variety of human emotions when she too found her first one.
You didn’t see this day coming and furthermore, there is nothing you can do about it. Say it with me — You. Have. Greys. Now breathe out the anxiety of age and breathe in gratitude that you’ve been lucky enough to get to see them. And stop yourself before picking up tweezers to pluck them out. Don’t do it, it will make you bald.
Indeed, now you have some salt and peppers shimmering, your Colouring routine will need some adjusting. The great news? Permanent Hair Colours are the best for Grey coverage, so you’re already in the right place. And although we might be getting more excited than you about your new Colouring stage in life, altering a few details in your Hair Colouring routine will have you successfully covering Greys in no time.
Use Permanent Hair Colour only.
Stop with the Semi’s, rinses and any other Product that coats the Hair temporarily. Permanent Hair Colour gives you the greatest combination of Grey coverage and longevity.
Know your Grey percentage.
Every now and again take stock of the percentage of Greys through your Hair. Once you start having over 50%, or 5 out of 10 Hairs, that are White or Grey you might need to start adapting your Products for greater coverage and Colours that better suit your Skin Tone or are low maintenance.
Turn to 20 Volume Developer.
Colouring becomes more simple with Greys, you only need to use one Developer — 20 Volume Developer. It is designed specifically for Grey coverage and once you have over 50% Grey Hair, it is the only Developer we recommend to use — period. Why? Once your Hair turns White/Grey it no longer has any pigment and doesn’t need a stronger Developer to Lighten the Hair.
Natural is best!
Along with 20 Vol, Naturals Hair Colour Shades are the Mrs Reliable because they too have been designed with fuller, Colour pigments to not just mask Greys but to give you a silky, glossy Hair Colour as if you didn’t have any Greys at all.
Baby, you’re Golden.
If your Greys take a leaf out of your book and are also stubborn, it’s time to bring in the power of Gold. You might not need them immediately but Golden Colours grab to rigid White/Grey Hairs and envelope them with fresh, Bronzed Tones.
Note: You don’t need to go all Gold, you can start by using 1/4 or 1/2 parts of Gold mixed with a Natural Hair Colour.
Ditch and switch.
With each decade should come a discussion with ones-self about one's Hair Colour. Is it time to do the ditch and switch? Ditch heavy Dark Colours and switch for Lighter ones, ditch over processed Blondes for Natural Blonde variations, ditch Deep Reds for softer Coppers. The ditch and switch can do wonders for your Hair and take years of heavy shadowing to Lighten up your Skin Tone.
Once you start getting those stubborn Greys or Grey patches, apply the Colour to the stubborn Hairs first to process as long as possible and leave your Colour on for 40-45 minutes to develop longer.