Are You Ready To Join The Cool Girl Hair Colour Club?

These sumptuous Shades reached cult status long ago and show no signs of fading. Discover why these iconic Hair Colours remain a favourite.

Cool shades weren't just created to temper brassiness, they are a style staple themselves cool in every sense of the word; nonchalant, minimalistic, elegant yet casual — a shade that replenishes a depleted Hair Colour with a fresh gloss of Cool tones. These sumptuous shades of creamy Beige, crisp Ash and Neutrals reached cult status a long time ago and there is little doubt they aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

So which Cool Shades qualify for membership to the Cool Girl Hair Colour Club and which don't? Keep reading to discover the Cool Hair Colours we're shining a spotlight on that will give you direct membership.

The Quick Cheat Sheet

Choose Hair Colours that are between 6 Dark Blonde to 8 Light Blonde lightness.
Stick with Natural, Beige and Ash pigments.
Keep your Blonde low maintenance.

My Hairdresser
Dark Blonde
My Hairdresser
Dark Beige Blonde
My Hairdresser
Medium Blonde

Neutrals, Natural or Wheat Blondes, smokey Blondes to Creamy and Pearlescent hues are the enduring classic Cool Shades to focus on. The real trick, and our favourite way to style, is to stick in the range of Dark to Light Blondes, embracing a Blonde that is a Shade or 2 Darker than your Natural or usual Blonde choice to encourage a low maintenance Natural, organic Colour tone. And if your usual Blonde choice is a Platinum, it will give your Hair a well-needed break from lightening.

My Hairdresser
Ash Blonde
My Hairdresser
Light Blonde
My Hairdresser
Light Beige Blonde

Simplicity is their superpower — these polished and pared-back Blondes bring a minimalist style to your Colour, making your eyes pop and keeping your Colour crisp, fresh and free from Warmth.

Keep scrolling for inspiration and the My Hairdresser Colour match so you can try these Cool Hair Colour Shades too.

Photo: Instagram @lilyjcollins

Copy Her Colour With:

My Hairdresser
Ash Blonde
My Hairdresser
Light Ash Blonde
Photo: Instagram @rosiehw

Copy Her Colour With:

My Hairdresser
Light Beige Blonde
Photo: Instagram @kaiagerber

Copy Her Colour With:

My Hairdresser
Dark Blonde
Photo: Instagram @victoriawaldau

Copy Her Colour With:

My Hairdresser
Ash Blonde
My Hairdresser
Light Blonde
Photo: Instagram @haileybieber

Copy Her Colour With:

My Hairdresser
Medium Blonde
Photo: Instagram @realbarbarapalvin

Copy Her Colour With:

My Hairdresser
Dark Blonde
My Hairdresser
Ash Blonde
Photo: Instagram @allegrashaw

Copy Her Colour With:

My Hairdresser
Ash Blonde
My Hairdresser
Light Beige Blonde

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