"I can't afford the salon right now" is a new series we will be releasing throughout the year, answering many common questions you may have when you are beginning to Colour your Hair at home. This series is close to our hearts, we don't want you to have to choose between looking great and feeling confident and your purse strings. We aim to show you how you can achieve salon-quality Hair Colour at a fraction of the price, all in the comfort of your home. Let's go."
If you're new here, welcome! Welcome to the home of luxury home Hair Colour. Welcome to the no-judgment club. Welcome to the place where we thrive off finding solutions to your Colour questions and celebrate when you've found your match.
My Hairdresser was created out of necessity. A busy, working mother with a long history in the haircare industry needed to find a product that could mimic her salon Colour for touch-ups at home. Today, we have a new need—balancing the budget and looking beautiful — because we don't believe you should have to sacrifice to look good and feel confident, you can have it all.
We've created a range of home Hair Colour products including Permanent Home Hair Colours, Colour Removers and Toners, all designed to make your Hair feel like it's fresh from the salon, ready to take on the world. Your home Colouring options are endless: touch-ups, Colour transformations or an easy Tone — your creativity knows no bounds with the My Hairdresser Range. Plus, you're never alone; we have a small (but mighty) all-female team ready to assist with Hair Colouring questions, along with a wealth of 24/7 online support pages.
If you are starting out Colouring it's normal to feel overwhelmed or nervous, so if you're unsure where or how to start doing your Hair yourself, these tips will help you get started.

Getting Started: Know Your Starting Point
Assess your current Hair Colour by answering these questions:
Is your Hair currently Coloured?
If so, what type of Hair Colour is it? Permanent Hair Colour needs to be Colour Removed, Semi Permanent needs to be washed out and henna needs to be grown out.
How long have you been Colouring with this Colour for?
Tip: Hair that has been Coloured over a long period of time will have Colour Build Up. Colour Removing the unhealthy pigment will give you healthier Hair and a fresh base you need for a smooth Colour.
What is your Natural Hair Colour?
Knowing your Natural Hair Colour is important because it will help you determine:
The Developer you will need.
Your percentage of Greys.
Whether you need to Lighten or Darken your Hair Colour.
Tip: Match your Natural Hair Colour to our Natural Colour Chart, noting the Hair Colour number.
What do you want to achieve from your Hair Colour?
A new Hair Colour?
Match to a Hair Colour that you currently have?
Cover up Greys?
Colour over Highlights?
Once you have assessed your current Hair Colour, discovered your Natural Hair Colour and determined what you want to achieve from your Hair Colour, it's time to choose your Hair Colouring products.
Choosing your Products

Choose your Hair Colour
Browse our My Hairdresser Permanent Hair Colour range to find the shade you want to be. If you're stuck between two shades, you can mix them together or explore our Colour Cocktails range, which includes two Hair Colours designed to be mixed for a customised Hair Colour.

Choose the Developer you need
A Developer is an essential part of your Colouring mixture because it will determine the Lightness of your Shade. We have 4 Developers to choose from.
To choose your developer, take the number of the Hair Colour you want and subtract it from the number of your Natural Hair Colour to see how many shades you need to lighten your hair. This number correlates to the first number of the developer.
No Lift Developer cannot Lighten your Hair and is perfect to Tone or when you want to Colour your Hair Darker.

No Lift
20 Volume Developer will Lighten your Hair 2 Shades and is the best for Grey coverage and small Colour transformations.

20 Volume
30 Volume Developer will Lighten your Hair 3 Shades and is designed to bring out the intensity in vibrant Shades.

30 Volume
40 Volume Developer will Lighten your Hair 4 Shades and is perfect with Highlift Blonde Shades.

40 Volume
Tip: If you used to Colour with a box Colour, they typically use a 20 Volume Developer.

Now that you're turning pro, you need pro tools:
Mix your Colour and Developer in a Tint Bowl and apply with a Tint Brush.
Or use the Applicator Bottle to mix and apply.
All products are washable and reusable, ensuring you get the best results every time.
If you need more help fill in our Consultant Form for some private, one-on-one advice to achieve your Colour goals.