The beginning of a new season heralds the chance for a refresh, triggering a shift to celebrate the change in the air. Gone are the days of layering up and heavy tones, we're stripping it all back this Summer and living for the essentials. Here's our roundup for what will matter most this Summer.
The Towel Scrunchie
I don't know about you, but wet Hair dripping down between my shoulder blades and sitting on my lower back is one of the most annoying features of Summer life. Enter the Towel Scrunchie, who's micro-fibre-magic absorbs the excess moisture from your wet Hair and cures my drip aggravation. Use it straight out of the shower, pool or ocean. Love.

Towel Scrunchie
The Toner Kit
A hundred Summers could pass and our opinion would remain the same — a Toner Kit is a must during Summer. These 3 Toner Kits are ready for action and beautifully designed for each Hair type, pairing 3 Cool pigments to calm brassiness, deliver shine and protect Hair for longer.
3 Dark Brown
Honestly, is there a better combo than sun kissed skin and Brunette Hair? The 3 Dark Brown is a perfect Natural Brunette that elevates Hair with rich, glossy Brunette tones and a shine inducing gloss.

Dark Brown
5.3 Golden Brown
Live in the Golden hour all Summer long with 5.3 Golden Browns Warming sun kissed tones that will drench your Hair in honey-inflecting sparkling reflects that are anything but bland or boring.

Golden Brown
The Summer Zip
This baby comes into its prime in Summer after spending the hibernating months keeping charge of my root touch up tools. I'll pack my Wide Tooth Comb and Coconut Oil mix (to protect my Colour) along with my sunscreen and a Towel Scrunchie (for those dreaded drips) and throw it in my beach bag. Its clear case means I can blink to check I've got everything. A must.

All You Need
Application Bundle
7.53 Chocolate Blonde
Get the money shot as you bask in the glory of these deep Bronzed Blonde tones. These Chocolate hues give your Colour life, reflect and attracting Warming Light that highlights your beautiful face and gives your Hair body.

Chocolate Blonde
8.2 Light Beige Blonde
Nothing compares to a creamy Blonde. The way the pearlescent reflects trickle through the Hair, melodically blending into a beautiful gloss is mesmerising. The 8.2 Beige Blonde is a great base Blonde, especially for this time of year, and perfect to blend with already Highlighted Hair. I personally love when you start the Summer with a fresh 8.2 Light Beige Blonde and let summers magic add Naturals highlights as your frolic in the sun and sea.

Light Beige Blonde
Hair Claw
Obviously damage to your Hair is a way more common occurence during Summer because of how much time you'll spend in the sun, salt and chlorine. Immediately help minimise damage by swapping from a Hair elastic to a Hair Claw. Our new season drop of clips are just the thing you need, I personally have heavy Hair and find they take the pressure off my head better than a pony tail and I can wear them to the beach, to work, to lunch and on a walk.

Hair Claw Clip
9 Very Light Blonde
When you're looking for a born this way Blonde, 9 Very Light Blonde couldn't be more perfect. It's Light, Natural Blonde hues revitalise your Blonde with a fresh gloss of sparkling tones gently blending into a sandy Light Blonde shade. I'd call it a Summer icon.

Very Light Blonde
908 Extra Light Silver Blonde
Platinum Blonde lovers rejoice! You can cut back on the awful damage of bleach by switching to 908 Extra Light Silver Blonde, lightening your Shade with icy Blonde hues that counter and protect your Colour from excess Warmth — which is an absolute must during Summer.