Let me tell you what adjusting your Hair Colour to fit your age bracket can do for you:
Gives you a smoother, shinier Hair Colour.
Glowing Complexion.
Less shadowing and pulling down of the face.
Fixes drained Hair and Skin Tone.
Softens fine lines.
Opens up your face.
Your facial features and eyes start popping.
Gets you excited about the energy pulsing back at you, in the mirror.
Jumpstarts your life again.
Turns out, making tweaks to your Hair Colour to match your age of the moment, can do a lot. What changes you ask? Just a few Colouring habits to ditch and switch, but I can assure you — they’re worth it.

The harsh, super Light Ash Tones that are rapidly sucking the life out of your skin and Hair. Of course, we love a smokey Colour blend but it has an expiration, particularly the Extra Light or heavy Highlight variety. They are giving you no oomph, draining and ageing you.
To Natural Colours. They’ll give you superior Grey coverage and plump up your Colour, enhancing your Hair with shiny Natural tones. If you’re currently using an Extra Light Ash Blonde, try a Natural, a shade Darker for added vitality.
Or if you want to keep rocking a Cool Colour choose a Beige shade, who’s creamy Tones are softer and the perfect place to start letting go of Ash.
Try these Colours

Dark, Dark, Dark Brunettes. Your raven Colour may have taken you this far but there are two solid reasons to ditch the Dark: 1. The salt and pepper regrowth is hard work to upkeep. 2. Dark Colours cause shadowing that casts over your face, dragging your face down and filling up your smile lines making them look way deeper than they are.
We want to open your face back up and direct the light plus energy back into your Hair and skin. Shake your shade up using a Light Brown to Dark Blonde Colour for a more complexion friendly hue — they will smooth, as well as brighten, your Hair and skin, along with giving you a glossy Colour.
Try these Colours

Deep, Bold or Intense Colour shades. We get the theory — you want to have fun with your Colour, keeping it youthful with big bold Reds or bright bulging shades. We love your enthusiasm but these Colours can do the opposite, ageing you prematurely because the heavier Colours create weight and shadowing over your face, emphasising age lines that you just don’t have.
Thankfully the fun isn’t over, which is great when you’re just not emotionally prepared to give the intensity up. A slight tweak to your Colour will pay dividends, swapping your bulky Tones for Coppers or Golden hues that bring the same energy to your Hair, while reflecting Light that lifts as well as brightening up your face and Hair, taking away all that unnecessary weight and heavy shadowing.
Try these Colours

Flat Hair Colours. Heavy, washed out Colours, over processed Colours — need we go on? Flat Colours drain EVERYTHING, not to mention are totally depressing.
To rejuvenating Hair Colours that add life and Volume to your Hair. The easiest way is to upgrade to a Golden Colour that is multi-dimensional and full of Light that isn’t cumbersome. This Colour boost quickly adds pigment to your Hair and exuberance to your face.