Whether you're ready for a Colour change, correcting a Colour mistake, or just tidying up after letting your Colour go wild, Colour Remover is your safe, bleach-free solution. It removes old pigment and refreshes your Hair, preparing it for your next Colour adventure.
We've created a cheat sheet to guide you through removing your old Colour and applying your new Shade. We’ll walk you through each step, troubleshoot any issues, and prepare you for what's next. Keep reading to get started.
The Steps We Will Work Through:
1. Assessing Your Current Hair Colour
2. Determine Your Goal Hair Colour
3. Do I Need Colour Remover?
4. How Many Colour Remover Applications Will I Need?
5. The Best Way To Colour Remove Your Hair
6. What to Do After Colour Removing
7. How To Choose A New Colour Post Colour Removing
8. How To Apply Your New Colour or Toner After Colour Removing
Step 1: Assessing Your Current Hair Colour
Start by evaluating your Hair Colour history with these key questions:
What Hair Colour is currently on your Hair?
How long has it been on your Hair?
What Hair Colours have you used over the last 18 months?
What is your Natural Hair Colour?
Step 2: Determine Your Goal Hair Colour
What do you want to achieve from Colour Removing? The most common goals are:
Return to, or get close to, your Natural Hair Colour.
Stopping Colouring and embracing your Natural or Grey Hair.
Refreshing your current Colour because it’s become dark or dull.
Lightening your Coloured Hair after using a Shade Darker than your Natural Colour.
Step 3: Do I Need Colour Remover?
If you fall into one of the four categories listed in Step 2, then yes, you need Colour Remover. Here’s why:
The safest and healthiest way to cleanse your Hair, whether you're returning to your Natural Colour or embracing your Grey Hair, is by using Colour Remover. It washes away the artificial pigment while leaving your Natural Hair intact. Bleach, on the other hand, strips both Natural and artificial pigment and risks causing damage.
If your current Shade has become Darker, duller, or your Hair feels "tired," this is likely due to Colour Build Up. Colour Remover acts as a spring clean, detoxifying your Hair by lifting away layers of old pigment.
If your Hair is Coloured with a Shade Darker than your Natural Colour, you’ll need to remove the Darker pigment before you can Lighten your Hair with a new Shade.
Step 4: How Many Colour Remover Applications Will I Need?
Now that you've decided you need Colour Remover, here's a guide to determine how many applications you'll require:
1 Application: If you’ve had just one application of a too-Dark Shade, a single application of Colour Remover should be sufficient.

2 Applications: If you want to return closer to your Natural Shade or refresh the same Colour but have a few applications of Colour, two applications will give you the best results.

Colour Remover
2 Pack
3 Applications: To remove Colour Build up, Lighten Hair currently Coloured Darker than your Natural Shade or embrace your greys after years of Colouring, three applications will help remove years of pigment and tackle stubborn Colours.

Colour Remover
3 Pack
4 Applications: If you’re transforming from Brunette to Blonde, have been Colouring your Hair Black or Dark Red for years, or have experimented with many Shades and need a fresh start, four applications will deeply cleanse your Hair. This will remove entrenched layers of Colour and prepare you for your next Colour chapter. For especially stubborn Colours, further applications may be required.

Colour Remover
4 Pack
Tip: Always apply your Colour Remover to dry Hair. For the best value, shop our Colour Remover bundles.
Step 5: The Best Way To Colour Remove Your Hair
Always apply Colour Remover to dry Hair, free from styling products, serums, and any Toning, Colour-lock, or Colour-enhancing products, as these can block the Colour Remover from working effectively.
Before starting, section your Hair into four parts. After mixing the Colour Remover until smooth and consistent, apply it as quickly as possible—its effectiveness decreases the longer it sits out. Focus on your Coloured Hair, avoiding your Natural Regrowth. Make sure your Hair is generously coated, then wrap it in cling wrap to help it process more deeply. Leave it on for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes, rinse your Hair thoroughly. Leaving Colour Remover on longer won’t improve results. Rinse until the product is fully removed, then shampoo your Hair thoroughly three times. Follow with conditioner.
Colour Remover is safe to use multiple times including up to two applications per day (always on dry Hair). Take time between applications to assess your Hair Colour. On your second, third, or fourth application, focus on Darker, more stubborn built-up areas by massaging the Colour Remover into those spots.
Step 6: What To Do After Colour Removing
After Colour Removing, your Hair will likely appear Warmer and more Golden. That’s actually a good sign—it means the remover has done its job and lifted out the old Colour.
Now, it’s essential to wait at least 48 hours before reColouring. This waiting period allows your Hair to settle as your Hair may be more porous and could absorb Colour unevenly, resulting in a Darker Shade than intended. If you rush into Colouring too soon, you might end up with a Darker Shade than you expected. Giving your Hair 48 hours ensures you get the best results with your new Colour. During this time, continue to shampoo and condition your Hair as usual.
Step 7: How To Choose A New Colour Post Colour Removing
Now that you’ve tackled Colour Removing, it’s time to dive into choosing your new Hair Colour! Here’s how to make the best choice:
Explore Your Options: Check out our full range of Hair Colours to find the Shade that excites you.
Consider Porosity: After Colour Removing, your Hair is more porous, so it’s best to pick a Colour that’s a Shade or two Lighter than your goal. For instance, if you aim for a 6 Dark Blonde, opt for a 7 Medium Blonde or 8 Light Blonde to achieve a balanced result.
Account for Warmth: Your Hair will have Warmer, Golden, or Brassy Tones post-removal. If you like the Warmth, go for a Natural or Golden Natural mix. To neutralise these Tones, choose a Beige or Ash Shade. For a cooler look, try something like 9.1 Very Light Ash Blonde.

Light Ash Blonde
Choosing Darker Shades: If you’ve been Colouring with 3 Dark Brown and it’s looking too dark and dull, but you want to keep a dark Brown, go for a Colour that’s 2 Shades Lighter, like 5.11 Intense Ash Brown. This will neutralise any Warmth while giving you a rich, dark Brown.
Bright Copper Tones: If your 8.44 Intense Copper Blonde is looking Darker and duller, especially away from the roots, Colour Remove a few times and then try a Lighter, brighter option like Strawberry Blonde to bring back that vibrant copper Tone.
Embracing Grey: Ready to go grey? After Colour Removing, use one of our Toners to cool any residual Warmth and help transition to your new Natural Shade. For more tips on embracing your greys, check out our guide: Ask MYHD: How Do I Break Free From Colouring And Embrace My Greys?
Step 8: How To Apply Your New Colour or Toner After Colour Removing
Ready to refresh your look? Follow these tips and tricks for applying your new Colour or Toner after Colour Removing:
Wait 48 hours: Allow at least 48 hours before Colouring or Toning.
Toning Your Hair: If you're just looking to Tone, simply apply your Toning mixture over your Colour-Removed Hair. This helps neutralise any remaining Warm Tones and refine your Colour.
Embracing Your Natural Shade & Colouring Your Regrowth: Want to embrace your Natural Shade and touch up your Regrowth? Choose a Colour and Developer that matches your Natural Shade or is one Shade Lighter or Darker. Apply this Colour to your Regrowth first. In the last 20 minutes, apply a Toner through the ends. For example, if you’re aiming for a Dark Blonde, use a Dark Ash Toner Kit to achieve a balanced look.

Dark Ash
Toner Kit
Applying a New Colour: When you've chosen your new Colour and Developer, apply your Colour to your Regrowth first and then cover your Colour Removed ends. This helps ensure a seamless transition and even coverage.
Lightening Your Hair: Planning to go significantly Lighter? Do a strand test first. After the 48-hour waiting period, mix a small amount of your new Colour with a stronger Developer, apply it to a small section of Hair, and wrap it in foil. This test will help you check if your Hair is ready for the new Shade and if all previous Colour has been removed.
We hope this fact sheet helps guide you through your Colour Removing journey. If you have any questions or need personalised advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help!