10 Things You Should Know Before Colour Removing

Because Colour Remover is totally worth the hype.

Are you thinking about Colour Removing but have a few questions to calm your commitment phobia? Below you’ll find our 10 most asked questions about Colour Remover to ease a confused mind and establish if Colour Remover is exactly what you need right now. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t forget our Support Pages or email us with your questions direct!

1. Colour Remover only removes Permanent Hair Colour.

It’s like the box says — Permanent Hair Colour Remover, not Semi Permanent Hair Colour Remover or Henna Remover. Colour Remover has been designed to target Permanent Colour, it can’t clear out any other artificial Colours in the Hair. This also means it leaves your Natural Hair unaffected.

2. You can’t remove Lightened or Bleached Hair.

Once you’ve Lightened your Natural Hair Colour, whether it be via Bleach or Hair Colour, Colour Removing will not take you back to your Natural. *shakes head* A Colour over your Lightened Hair will do the trick, whether you want to match it to your darker Natural Hair Colour or transition into another Shade.
You can, however, Colour Remove Blonde to go Blonder. Yup — if you have Coloured Dark, Medium or Light Blonde Hair and still want to go Lighter, Colour Remove that Blonde out, then reColour with the Light Shade.

3. Once isn’t always enough.

Your Colour Remover result depends on your Hair situation. One Colour Remover application should be enough for recent Colour mistakes, altering your Hair Colours Darkness or cleaning out a month old Colour. If you’re a long term Black or Brunette Colourer, expect a decent amount of Colour Build Up you’ll need to shift to rejuvenate your Hair. Trust us, that extra effort cleaning out your Colour Build Up will relieve the Colour weighing your Hair down giving it a fresh start.

4. I heard there is a smell.

Yes, thankfully we were able to tinker with the scent to a new soapy fresh aroma. The fragrance is the key magic ingredient that makes Colour Remover work. Don’t worry, it goes away with washing and conditioning.

5. Processing time is 20 minutes, okay?!

You might think 20 minutes isn’t long enough but be prepared to watch the magic happen. We know what you’re thinking — if I leave Colour Remover on for 40 minutes then it will remove twice as much. NO! Colour Remover is a precise science — mix Part A and Part B together quickly, apply quickly and process quickly. If you leave it on for longer than the 20 minutes, it actually does the opposite and makes your Hair darker.

6. Know about Colour Build Up.

Colour Remover isn’t just for the cleanups on aisle 3, it’s an incredible maintenance tool for all Colourer’s and the battle against the Build Up. Colour Build Up is a result of repeatedly applying Colour on top of Colour that eventually accumulates through your Hair. Its trademarks are bright, vibrant Regrowth and dull, heavy ends with a side of an unhealthy looking Hair Colour. Build Up is especially typical with vibrant Colour users who are constantly trying to keep their Colour from fading. Luckily, Colour Remover’s favourite job is to suck the Build Up out and revive your Hair.

7. Orange is inevitable.

Yes, Warmth will happen — It’s actually a good sign of a successful Colour clean out and is a leftover from the Developers of your previous Colours. Red, Coppers and Blondes leave behind more Warmth than other Shades which is all solvable with re Colouring or Toning.

8. How many times can I Colour Remove?

You can do up to 3 Colour Remover applications in a day. When doing a big Colour clean out allow for 2 Colour Removing sessions for the best result. During the first session apply 2 Colour Remover processes directly after each other, then allow the Hair to settle for 24 hours. Followed by a second session of 1 or 2 more Colour Remover applications, depending on the Hairs needs.

9. Post Colour Remover Colouring is different.

Post Colour Removing, the Hair is very porous and the Hair cuticle is very open, which means it will absorb anything it can get its hands on. Any Colour applied over the Hair will fill it full of pigment creating a Darker Hair Colour than desired. Waiting 48 hours for the Hair to settle before Colouring allows the Hair cuticle to close up and avoid this from happening.

For those moments when you just can’t wait, choose a Hair Colour 2 shades Lighter than the Colour you want to be, to avoid this from happening. For Example:

Colour you want to be 7.1 Ash Blonde.
Colour to choose 9.1 Light Ash Blonde.

10. It really does work.

Don’t just take our word for it, see these Before and Afters.


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